Navigating the Complexities of Caste and Communal Violence in India

The issue of communal violence in India is a complex and multifaceted one that cannot be easily attributed to a single caste or community. In recent times, there has been much debate about whether it is the high-caste Brahmins or the low-caste Dalits who are responsible for violence against Muslims during riots in India.

However, statistics show that high-caste Brahmins were not present on the streets during such riots. For instance, during the 2002 Gujarat riots, most of the people arrested on charges of violence were non-Brahmins. Despite this, Brahmins continue to be blamed and attacked by many Muslims and leftists – Communists, why?

This raises questions about why people tend to target Brahmins in such situations. The fact remains that it is often members of the low-caste community who are seen fighting on the streets during communal riots. It is unfair to assume that Brahmins brainwash low-caste individuals into perpetrating violence against Muslims. If that were the case, why were Muslims and communists not able to brainwash them in turn? In fact it is much easier to do that since the Dalits were deprived of their rights by the high-caste people, not by Muslims. Hence there is something more complex at play here.

It is crucial to note that caste discrimination should never be condoned. However, it is also essential to recognize that Brahmins have made significant contributions to society and have a sophisticated way of life. This does not mean that their actions should be unquestioningly accepted or that they are immune to committing crimes. However, we must acknowledge their contributions to society and not let caste biases dictate our views. There are all kinds of people in all communities. Hence there are extremists and good ones amongst the Brahmins, Dalits, Muslims and Communists too. Hence demonizing or criminalizing any community is a crime in itself.

The individuals who perpetrate violence against Muslims are often misinformed about Muslim history, assuming that they were consistently looted and raped by Muslim leaders. Some incidents done by some medieval rulers are portrayed as a norm and general practice of the Muslims. Such misinformation can lead to further violence, and it is crucial to address this issue and provide accurate information. When the Dalits learn the Muslim history from its origin and common ancestry, their hatred will soon turn into empathy.

Ultimately, we must strive to treat all individuals equally, regardless of their caste or community. We should respect everyone and identify criminals irrespective of their caste, religion, or community. This applies equally to members of all the communities. They should not take sides in communal violence but instead advocate for justice for all.

In conclusion, it is vital to recognize that communal violence in India is a complex issue with no straightforward solutions. It is essential to avoid taking sides based on caste or community and instead focus on upholding justice and equality for all individuals.

Written by:
Umar Shariff
President, Discover Islam Education Trust

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