The Common Man’s Da’ee : The Caller to Islam…. Have You Ever Came Across Him?’

By – Br. Nisaar Nadiadwala:

There are two types of daees ( callers to Islam) these days. The high profile ones and the low profile like a stranger. Both of them are important components of Muslim community. Each has his share of contribution. Today I will highlight a few low prfoile callers to Islam whose da’wah in individual capacity have really impressed me In my cozy little book shop a Anwer Adiyar was a regular visitor. He was a labourer in the Port of Mumbai, but a daee of par excellence.

He was not a public speaker but he spoke to public in individual capacity. He always had a dawah kit with him . His da’wah kit contained few translations of Qur’an in English and vernacular langauges as well. He had ready to give pamphlets, and VCDs (DVDs were not in vogue) and would immediately give it when he stepped into a discussion with a non Muslim. He was not a rich man but could arrange for a large auditorium free of charge when ever he wanted to arrange a Da’wah talk. He did not spoke polished English but communicated effectively. I have seen him distributing Islamic pamphlets on the streets out side colleges and railway stations. He died a fe years back , in Makkah during Hajj.

Moulana Ejaz is a famous name in Kurla, a dusty suburb of Mumbai. His hobbies? Standing outside a Temple or a Darga and correcting people. It is one thing to speak on creed to an audience whose creed is already corrected but requires immense courage to speak against an amidst a crowd of passionate and emotional people in their own place, amidst their own people. He had been arrested a few times for his open da’wah, they say that he had even managed to get a few police men take shahadah.Alhamdolillah. Many of us do safe dawah fearing a backlash, but Ejaz bhai is a daring man.

I know many of common man’s daee and I love them and respect them. They work at grass root level. You will not find their updates on the face book and websites. Some of them have large families to run but thye never ask for charity nor credit. When they travel, they purchase a second class ticket or a stand in a bus queue. They talk a lay man’s language and their dawah is simple and straightforward. I had heard about a Muslim clerk in the office of a Cabinet Minister of Delhi. The Musim clerk once knocked the door of the minister and was asked ot come in. he went to the minister, carrying a copy of the translation of Qur’an in Marathi. The clerk said to the minister : Sir this is my Qur’an, translated in Marathi , it is a very good book, please read it…. The minister was humbled and he accepted it.. The clerk went out praying to Allah.. O Allah I have passed on your message…

When was the last time you or I had courage to speak with a high profile person about Islam? As I said we do safe da’wah. Lets open up for the sake of Allah and reach out to our Non Muslim friends so that our job is done Author : Nadiadwala speaks and write for Islam. He can be reached out at [email protected]

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