The Vicious Cycle Within The Corrupt Nation

In India, when a common man goes to the police station to register a complaint, the…

PEOPLE IN LIFE (Series) – Some things to tell about one of my Shaikhs, Shaikh Arshad Basheer Madani.

Shaikh Arshad Basheer Madani HafizahUllah is one of the best scholars whom I’ve had the liberty…

Is the wages for Cupping permissible, makrooh or haraam?

It is permissible. Ibn Abbas radhiyAllahu ‘anhu narrated a Hadeeth of the Prophet peace be upon…

M.A in Islamic Studies, 1st Year Results – Umar Shariff

                  My first year M.A in Islamic Studies…

What Must Be Done When Scholars Die?

Just yesterday we heard of the death of a well known scholar in India. He was…

Don’t Ask Why. It Is Decided By The Most High

In this world of eventful happenings, sometimes we may be wonderstruck by the things that are…

Knowledge Is All Around. Sincerity Has Become Rare

Wow, it’s a new world around us, in terms of the exposure that we have towards…


A Muslim man was travelling to a city, and as it happens to be a friday,…

Gym And Knitting Has Nothing To Do With Masculinity Or Feminity

A Muslim scholar posted his video of he knitting something to teach his children, and there…

Aisha’s Death Is A Call To Open Counseling Centres

A very disturbing video of a girl from Ahmedabad, called Aisha Banu is on the social…